When I am asked about my lifestyle, the question of deodorant often comes up. Yes, because one must imagine that I leave my body fallow so as not to produce any more waste!
While I don’t reassure you at all, I’m still as flirtatious, it’s just that I use alternatives thanks to homemade recipes 😉
For years I have been using an Alum stone which for me is ultra effective against perspiration…but not always against odors. Well it remains minimal huh!! But I wondered if it was possible to find an alternative that would absorb perspiration just as well but also cover any possible odors.
So here is my recipe for anti-perspiration & anti-odor deodorant , my favorite among all the homemade products I’ve made!
Ingredients for a small 100 ml jar:
-30g coconut oil
-40g of baking soda
-30g of cornstarch (Maïzena) or arrowroot starch
-5 to 10 drops of essential oils depending on the strength of body odors (personally I used mint essential oil = guaranteed freshness!)
-2 drops of vitamin E (optional)
Coconut oil is antibacterial, will destroy bad odors and moisturize the skin. Baking soda neutralizes bad odors and absorbs perspiration. The starch will also absorb perspiration. Essential oils are there to soothe body odors that would persist and vitamin E as a natural preservative.
In a small container put the coconut oil then put this container in a bowl filled with boiling water to melt the oil. Then add the rest of the ingredients and mix until perfectly homogeneous. Finally pour everything into the small jar and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
For application, take some material (about the size of a chickpea) with your finger or a spatula and spread it on the armpit. Then the same for the other armpit.
Cost price around €1.50 for a usage period of around 4 to 5 months . When I told you that you were going to save money!